Tag Archives: community

Frequently, I ponder the concept of community, how it’s built, how it’s maintained and what gives it life. I’ve always kept my personal circle small. My wife and I are a team and a pretty effective one as well. My parents are fantastic people, supportive, knowledgeable and dependable. I have solid neighbors, several of whom I’ve built a closer relationship with since the pandemic caused all kinds of shifts in our routine and outlook. But for the last several years, I’ve been searching for something in particular. I wanted to be part of a network of people who focused on the concepts of personal responsibility, personal liberty and effective communication. In addition, I was interested in folks who burned with the desire and ability to get stuff done. I knew this kind of search couldn’t be forced and would need to evolve organically. One of my personal tenets is to…

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My friends and family can confirm that I’m an action oriented person. I don’t spend much time sitting in contemplation (though I probably should.) I certainly have my contemplative moments, most of them while cultivating the soil. So when this virus ordeal smacked our area and my employer made the call to close the business, I immediately pivoted to my next move: identifying new mowing customers, seeking out folks who wanted my consulting services and getting really creative in finding ways to cover the lost income. That response is a result of 15 years of EMS. Identify the problem. Address the problem. Remedy the problem. Feelings later (if at all.) So while I’m able to take the long view on most things, my focus has been quite direct on securing things in the near-term. Then I realized today that I’ve actually been working through a sort of delayed grief process.…

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